Sunday, August 16, 2009

Leftists Ramping Up Their Efforts to Stop Beck

Beck Advertisers Cave

If you've watched Glenn Beck on Fox or listened to his radio show you know 2 things: One he speaks his mind and two he talks about the issues that you and I are most interested in. Beck focuses on topics that only a few in radio and no one in TV does today, is there any wonder that his show is now one of the biggest draws on Fox Cable?

He's quite effective at tackling complex issues like health care, the bank bailouts etc and revealing what liberty interests and core principles are involved. The left knows this and they want to stop this voice through any means possible. We can't let that happen.

Confirmed list of companies that have dropped Glenn Beck:

Progressive Insurance
State Farm
Sargento Cheese
Proctor and Gamble

Here's an idea: let's drop the companies that want to drop Beck!


  1. I, for one, will NOT buy anything from ANY company that dumps Mr. Beck.

  2. I contacted every one of the companies on this list and let them know that I will not be buying any of their products or services for the duration of this boycott.

  3. Hello every one! I agree, lets dump the companies that want to limit free speech! Glenn Becks speaks alot of what I think and if his voice is silenced it would be like my voice being silenced!
    I currently use Geico and have for over 7 years now and I really do like the company but will be dumping them as soon as I find a new auto insurance. Does any one out there have an updated list of companies pulling advertising on Beck? I also use Sprint and read they are one of the boycott companies but I would like to find out for sure before I cancel my contract and go else where. Thanks so much!
    GO BECK!
